Wednesday, December 1, 2010


This year for Thanksgiving we packed up and hopped on an RV to Oklahoma City! (David went to Austin for the A&M game with his stepdad, Jabo). Instead of taking 3 or 4 cars and driving a total of 7+ hours, my dad decided (with a little persuasion) that an RV made the most sense if the day truly was going to be about family. It was my dad and mom, Zach and I, Meredith, Andrew, Dennis, Uncle Ray and Anna, and BooPat and her little poodle, Honey! Rarely was anyone bored on this journey. We loaded up toys and drinks and snacks and got everyone on the RV and off we went...for about 2 minutes... when, in a joking way, asked if we brought the pies. Ha! Good thing I asked because we had forgotten them. And no Thanksgiving is complete without my mom's infamous chocolate pie! Andrew and Dennis slept in the giant bed in the back part of the way there and back. There was an ongoing debacle about the air and heat situation - it was either freezing or burning up. And Honey cried and shook uncontrollably for at least 5 minutes while BooPat was using the bathroom. It was entertaining. We hadn't told Cheryl and crew we would be arriving in an RV so that was a fun arrival. Cheryl had toys in her dining room for Zach and he was so content just playing with all her toys that I would find him in there by himself just playing away. So cute! The food was so delicious - best Thanksgiving I can remember!!! I told Cheryl it was the best food I've ever had but she probably thought I was just being nice. No. I was serious. So delicious!!!! It was so great to see everyone. Robbie had a baby girl, Harper, and she was just the cutest little thing! She was asleep in her carseat when they got there and Zach just couldn't stand it. He tried to rock it but he was way too rough and I made him stop. He resorted to pointing and grunting and looking at me with a face that said "why is this baby sleeping?" haha! We also caught Zach kissing himself on the full length mirror in Cheryl's bathroom. Who can blame him? His face is just so kissable! The drive home was slow at first but we stopped at a gas station and got a bag of balloons for Zach to play with and that ended up being hours of entertainment for the grownups. We discovered that the balloons would stick to his head and you probably had to be there but it was just hillarious. I don't really remember what time we got home but I'd guess 8:30. They dropped Zach and I off at our house to cut the ride a little shorter for us. Zach slept for a total of 20 min all day and was completely done at this point. Here are some pictures :)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. great blog! Glad y'all had a great Thanksgiving!
